Our school theme we are researching and learning about is rubbish and it's harmful effects on our planet. In week 2 I wrote this explain piece of writing on how rubbish hurts our animals, environment and us. Here is it =)
How is rubbish affecting our earth?Rubbish is a problem being caused all around the world. But the effects it has on nature and animals is much bigger. It can spread everywhere from our bins out to the streets and into the oceans. Humans are the causes of all the pollution happening around the world. Our air, trees, water and land are all in danger from the poor decisions we made which help contribute to the cause of pollution.
All our beautiful animals around the world are slowly dying from the effects pollution has made on them. Oil spills kill our fish, Poisoned air makes our birds sick and toxic soil kill our bugs. There are much more ways animals could die. Over 1 million seabirds and 100,000 sea mammals are killed by pollution every year. Plastic doesn’t break down, when it is thrown into the ocean it’ll be around for more than a thousand years. Sea animals mistake this plastic waste for other types of food. It can’t be digested very easily and gives them a hard time to swallow and process the plastic.
Our whenua also gets treated very badly. When our rubbish is sent to the disposal area or landfills our waste gets put into dumping grounds to bury the rubbish. All the juices from the rubbish become toxic and soak into the soil creating a poison eco system for our bugs and worms and making our soil rotten and unhealthy. Our worms help increase the amount air and water that gets put into our grounds. When our land becomes more poison it increases the chance of plants and wildlife to die quicker.
When we litter our rubbish ends up from the streets into our drains and out into the ocean. Our waterways become littered with rubbish and turn our water polluted and non swimmable. Fish will be at risk of dying from the unhealthy water and weeds will outgrow the water making them much bigger and the river dangerous. Currents may change as well making it either more rough or too calm. If water conditions change it make cause it to be uninhabitable for animals.
The causes of rubbish puts our wildlife and environment in danger. What can we do to change this? Our animals are a major reason our world is staying stable. Same with our water and land. Waterways become blocked, clogged and disgusting while our soil starts to become rotten and unhealthy for our planet. A little change can make a difference.