Kia ora ko Te Aroha toku ingoa no Mangakahia me Matawaia ahau. Ko tekau ma wha oku tau. E haere ana au ko te kura tuarua o Peowhairangi. My favourite subjects at school are Music, Maths and PE. Enjoy my blog, Nau mai haere mai!
Learning makes a big part of who I am now, I enjoy learning lots of new things and try my best to absorb all the things i’ve learned. Learning wise I’m good at paying attention when I feel like it and being able to pick up what’s happening around me quickly. Cooking and kapa haka are things I enjoy a lot. A challenge I have with both of these are not having the time or motivation as much as I would like.
My goals for this year are to be able to speak confidently to others in te reo maori even if it is just a simple conversation. I also want to be able to stand confidently on all turu of the taumata. In the future my hopes are to give back to my people and help them out in any way possible. I also want to go to university and study something interesting such as: lawyer, journalist, nurse, flight attendant or something in tourism.